The increasing number of mobile phones stolen forces manufacturers to implement many kinds of security programs, one of which is anti-theft feature. This feature has very diverse types, generally applied directly by the manufacturer into the phone.
In short, how this feature works is as follows: mobile phone owners enter the second phone number (emergency mobile number, the reference number for tracking device) first. This security feature works when there is change of SIM card in the phone. If the SIM card is replaced, the phone will detect and automatically send an SMS to the emergency number.
The contents of the message sent to the emergency number are the new number used by the thief and the location where the phone is, based on monitoring of cellular signal. Even, the security application will send SMS to the emergency number continuously until the credit in the phone reach the minimum limit.
Today, many tracking applications are designed by the non-manufacturers of any brands of mobile phones. However, any tracking application from the third-party is usually offered in a package of security applications. The differences of tracking applications from manufacturers and the third-party is that that of manufacturers can not be eliminated, even if the phone is reset, while that of the non-manufacturer will be lost if we stop subscribing.
So, in case your mobile phone stolen or left somewhere, using this security feature will be very useful. Happy mobiling.
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