Many people believe that possessing smartphone give us a chance to be “smarter look.” As a smartphone offers many helpful features, this multifunction gadget can simplify our daily activity. However, behind its hi-tech features, each smartphone has its own drawbacks. At least, according to Consumersearch, here are some of them:

  • iPhone 4 (Verizon)                : No world roaming
  • iPhone 4                                 : Limited multitasking
  • Samsung Vibrant                  : No camera flash
  • Samsung Epic 4G                : Mediocre camera quality
  • Samsung Captivate              : Third-party applications blocked
  • Motorola Droid                      : Mediocre media integration
  • Motorola Droid 2                   : Stiff keyboard buttons
  • Motorola Droid X                  : No front camera for video call
  • HTC Evo 4G                          : Paltry battery life
  • HTC Inspire 4G                     : Weak battery                      
  • HTC Droid Incredible            : Limited battery life
  • T Mobile My Touch 3G         : Weak battery
  • T Mobile Garminfone            : Blurry photo and video
  • T Mobile Tap                         : Poor touchscreen response
  • Blackberry Tour 9630           : No Wi-Fi
  • Blackberry Bold 9650           : Clunky browser
  • Blackberry Torch 9800         : Wi-Fi Tethering needs third-party application
Those drawbacks need to be our concern before buying the smartphones. Most people tend to look for the superiorities of certain smartphone before buying it, but it is necessary for us to know their drawbacks first. Certainly, there is no perfect smartphone that can give us all features and superiorities we need. In this case, Consumersearch has helped us review each product for our goodness. Happy exploring smartphone.

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