As the rapid change of demand for mobile phone technology, now many manufacturers, especially from China, try to put some unique features into their products, one of them is known as “inflection mode.” Nowadays, Inflection Mode can be easily found in many mobile phones, made by Chinese companies. Inflection mode itself is a feature that enables its users to change their voice into those of children, man, woman, and old people.

Yes, using Inflection Mode, a man can easily become another person in his voice. He just simply turn on that feature, choose the voice he likes, such as children voice, old man voice, or woman voice, then calls someone, and laughs at someone’s innocent reply. So, due to this feature, do not be surprised if suddenly, someone unknown calls you, and you do not recognize his or her voice. He or she must have used such a simple feature.

This action is almost perfect for those who like cheating, but we do not intense to urge readers to do such a nasty crime. The main goal of such a feature is merely for fun. Manufacturers put that feature in their products to attract customers to have other alternatives in using their mobile phones for fun, not just for communication. Therefore, this feature is again not recommended for doing any simple crime. Use it wisely.

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